When we arrived we took a, you guessed it, walking tour of York. Highlights included the smallest window in York (hee!) and a really cool view of Yorkminster, the cathedral here. We also got to see where Keith was an intern here. We attended service there tonight and it was amazing. The worship was great (they even played Casting Pearls, Callie!) and the prayer was so down to earth and real. We prayed for international troubles and it really felt like the congregation was sincere in praying for everything. The sermon was almost like a history lesson, but better. It was on Christian martyrs, and really inspirational. I feel so renewed in my faith since being here.
We also took a day trip to Whitby Abbey. After some minor troubles when our bus broke down we finally made it there. It was gorgeous. We had to climb up 200 stairs and then we were there on the edge of the sea. We got yelled at for climbing on the Abbey, but the pictures were worth it. Plus it was neat to touch history. Whitby is where the Synod of Whitby was held in the 7th century that showed the split between Roman and Celtic traditions (like tonsure and the date of Easter). Also the ocean view was really pretty and the fish and chips were delicious.
Friday we went clubbing and learned that cute British boys do indeed exist here. Mostly we just had fun dancing and singing really obnoxiously to "Yeah" by Usher. We also learned that boys are sketchy and you shouldn't pay 5 pounds to enter a lame club. I've never really experienced that lifestyle before so it's interesting dipping my toe in. I know it's definitely not for me long term.
Saturday was a free day, but it rained all day long. I went off by myself and wandered around trying to find a cute cafe to read my book in. I finally found one, but there were no seats available. These cute old ladies invited me to join them and it was fun. The hot chocolate was good too.
Earlier this week I realized I had to go shopping so I found good deals on a couple of shirts. I think for the most part I packed correctly, but definitely more than 4 shirts was needed. The clothesline has been very effective and useful here, especially since the dryer does not appear to work.
Tonight we went out to a pub called the Yorkshire Terrier after church. It was a blast! I really like cider so I had most of a pint of that. And then we all sang along to the music. Giselle even got up and sung with the live music guy. Everyone there probably thought we were drunk, but really it was just fun being silly together.
I'm excited to head to Durham tomorrow, but I will miss York. It's a beautiful city that I would love to visit again. We just scratched the surface, and there is so much more to see. However, we do get to stay in a castle and see Hadrian's wall. If you are taking Core 150 next year be sure you look for me in one of Keith's lectures.
Love all of you and miss you a ton.
Send me emails! I'm sending postcards ASAP.
1 comment:
Nice update. I'd love to hear more about the time with the English ladies. Have sent you email, but don't know which account you are checking. Love you!. Dad
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